Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Messy Eater

Manners? I guess we'll learn those later. Dylan is one of the messiest eaters in town. He loves to smear it around his tray, on his shirt, in his hair, in his ears, etc. I felt so bad the other day when the young women offered nursery services during of them came up to me and said, "umm, Sister Dalton, Dylan has some really bad ear wax built up in his ear, it's even kinda turned brown.." How gross does that sound?
Okay before all of you get too disgusted let me assure you it was none other then the refried beans we had with our tacos that night...yum...he had stuffed a whole handful in his ear and we were running late so I didn't notice. Guess I'll be looking a little harder now. Those poor young women must have been grossed out all night with him!


Erica said...

Despite his messiness his cuteness surely makes up for it :)

Jayne said...

Hi enjoy seeing your pictures, your son is such a doll. glad you could come to CA.
hope you don't freeze in Michigan.

you do a nice job on your blog!
