Wednesday, September 5, 2007

BBQ - Apartment Style

OK - so we finally broke down and bought an almost BBQ. We swore up and down that we wouldn't do it until we could do it for real but I just couldn't stand it any longer. I am SO excited to have it, it seriously opens up about ten hundred new dinner ideas. We invited one of the summer interns family over since it was their last Sunday in Michigan and decided to test out our new BBQ with delicious sish kebabs (pretty sure I spelled that wrong) and s'mores. Here's Dyl headin outside to help dad heat up the coals. Ok..these next two pics go together and are so funny to me...this is obviously before he was walking but when he decides to go outside or in he has to cross that stupid metal thing that guides the glass doors, and it hurts to crawl over it because he's so chubby and it cuts into his fat little knees and palms so he developed his own method...he'd get right up to the edge of it, then throw himself over the threshold. I die every time because he does it on purpose! I can't wait to get him home now that he walks to see what he'll do...I'm sure he'll just walk over and it will be no big deal but I'm gonna kinda miss his little solution to the hurty door problem. Anyways...Dyl loves to be outside so he had a blast "helping" Rick get the food ready. He didn't want to leave his side the whole time, it was so cute. If anyone out there needs help figuring out sish kebab then let me know, it's one of my fav meals to make by far...kinda messy but soooo good. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I remembered everything we could possibly need for that day except...freaking lighter fluid! Can you believe it? And of course it was dang Sunday so we couldn't go out and buy it and we searched our house and had no hairspray or anything of that nature. We finally had to settle on an expensive bottle of lame are we? It didn't end up working either, well not that well anyway. All part of the BBQ magic. By the way I just love this color blue on Dyl, it's kinda hard to see in pics but in person it just makes his eyes pop.


Dalton Family said...

How cute that he would dive into the house so he wouldn't get hurt! That is the cutest thing! I can't believe he's walking now! How fun!