Monday, September 24, 2007

Balboa Beach Baby!

OKAY...I'm FINALLY putting up the pics from our Cali trip and will hopefully get caught up...eventually. Here's some fun pics of Dyl in the "beach outfit" my mom bought for him. I loved it, it was so cute! This was in the beginning of Dyl's walkin' days so he's a bit wobbly but getting the feel of his land legs. He was so proud of himself and Rick was so happy that Dylan literally waited until the day his plane touched down to join us in Cali to start walking. He got to be there when he officially took off after all. He was so worried he'd miss it!
Of course we had to ride the traditional bus bike loaded with cousins.

Dyl and Aisley loved riding in the front basket (don't worry, they're buckled in!) Until Dyl started trying to figure out how to get unstrapped.


Brynn said...

He is so stinkin cute! He's gotten so big since I've seen you guys! I bet they'd have so much fun now running around with each other!

Dalton Family said...

Dylan looks SOOOOO cute! You better watch out for the girls when he's older!!!

Danica said...

How dang fun...they're all so cute, and how perfect that Rick got to see him first walk. That's the best.