Monday, March 3, 2008

My little angel Dylan has been into biting lately and it is driving me didn't start until we came down here to Cali and for some reason it seems it's not going away any time soon. Everyone I talk to is like, "don't worry, my kid did that too and it only lasted for 2-3 wks" That's great and everything for all of you but we're going into our third MONTH here. What the heck? Poor Aisley gets the brunt of it but she's learning to defend herself better. Lately he's been hitting, pushing, scratching and pinching too. Now that the long awaited 18 months have passed and he is eligible for nursery...we get to go too since he's been so aggressive. used to only happen if he was attacked he'll just walk by Aisley on his way to the kitchen and grab a fist of her hair and yank, then continue walking like nothing happened...or he'll be totally playing and happy and then will just decide to lean over a bite her or smack her on the head with a remote control or something and then acts shocked when we yank her away crying and punish him...Any suggestions on how to nip it in the bud before I kill my kid or die of embarrassment at the park when he attacks a random strangers baby?


Melissa said...

YIKES!!!! Well it is never fun to have to deal with stuff like this but indeed it is needed. I personally when my kids have bit someone ie ME I flick them in the mouth/cheek and they never did it again. The hitting and stuff u know what sounds like my older son Cole after I had Porter...Porter gets beat up all the time so maybe your little guy is having a hard time not being the only one.

What I do after I disipline isget down to my soms level and tell him again what they did wrong and then walk with them to say sorry and then again get down and tell them you love them but we can not be hitting or bitting.

I hope you find something that works. IT is really hard but you will do gresat it just sounds like he is jealous and maybe adjusting to a new lifestyle.

Molly Jolley said...

I wish i had so advise for ya but i dont but i am sure that Ashlyn knows how Aisley feels cause Ashlyns cousin Cash pulls her hair all the time. at first she started to cry but now she is so use to it she just closes her eyes and takes it shes a little trooper. Im sure he will get past it. hope all is well with the family.

Dalton Family said...

I love Dylan! I can just picture him walking up to someone and yanking their hair, then just acting like nothing happened!!! Ha!

Tecia said...

Britney! This is so random...but I was thinking about you the other day as we're approaching our one year mark in our home. We wanted to send you guys a thank you and give you a little update on how wonderful this home has been for us. I did a google search to see if I could find an address for you...and your blog came up. I saw the pic of Dylan and knew it was you guys! I don't want to seem like a stalker, so I'm not going to read any more until I hear back from you, but I'm wondering if I can get an address for you. My email is You guys look great...hope life is wonderful for you! -The Kearns in Lehi

Jill Duncan said...

Hey, I found your blog and Paul and I wanted to say congrats on being pregnant, how exciting! Dylan is just adorable!:-)