Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bring on the Fireworks!

Happy 4th of July!! We were invited to a party by someone Rick works with, it was fun even though we didn't know anyone there! Not one person! They have this amazing house right on the lake, their backyard just drops down right onto the shoreline where they have a few jet skii's and sea doos and stuff, which we rode, and a pontoon boat. on their second level they had an amazing hot tub, the whole place was just way way nice. Here's Dyl and I, even tho I have lovely "beach hair" as I call it, (Rick and I tipped on the sea doo)...thought I'd finally include a pic with Mom.

Dylan loved the fireworks! Especially if we covered his ears before the really big ones were set off. It was really cool because we rode out on the pontoon boat, and their neighbor brought theirs and we loaded both up and headed down the lake to a spot where there were hundreds of boats there, it was about 10 pm so it was pitch black but all the boats had little white lights on the back end so it looked really cool but anyways...there was a huge fireworks show and they were bursting over our heads..we loved it!


Dalton Family said...

What a fun 4th of July!