Friday, August 10, 2007

Plymouth Pool

Here we are at Plymouth Pool...Dyl really loves the water. This is a public pool about 3 min. from our house, it costs 3 bucks to go but we had a good time. Dylan just loves seeing

all the kids there, he always thinks they're all his friends. He gets so excited if they run past him or scream loudly...he thinks they're playing with him or something so he starts laughing hysterically...
its really funny to watch.


Brynn said...

That looks so fun! We need to take Quincy swimming before the summer is over!!

Dalton Family said...

Oh my gosh! I can just picture him getting all excited like that!!! SOO CUTE!!!! You guys are so busy doing such fun stuff!!!

Channa said...

He is soooo cute!!! You look like you guys are doing so many fun things - maybe you'll decide never to come back! :)

Danica said...

I so wish we had something like that close. Carson does the same thing when kids go by - he thinks they're his friends and laughs so hard. Anyways, cute pics.