Sunday, September 2, 2007


Hey everyone...just thought i should take a quick sec and explain why nothing has changed in a while on my in cali and my vacation has been extended several times so ive now been gone from my home about three weeks and wont be going home until the, after that i will have a lot of new updates. dylan is walking all over the place now and has been since the 17th of august. if he falls he can get up in the middle of the room by himself, we're very excited at how big he's getting! its so cute, he's figured out that the only way he can talk to daddy is on the phone so he gets really excited whenever he sees it and now knows how to hold it up to his ear, he always grabs it and starts shouting, Dada! dada! over and over again...i love it. anyways....hope all is well with everyone, give my lonely husband a call sometime to cheer him up. :)