Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rick's Florida Trip

Rick went on a business trip down to Florida a week or so ago...and had a little bad luck while he was there...first of all he was put in a hotel where there were 200 Cuban 15 and 16 year olds staying for some trip as well. Don't worry, they were up till 5 am every morning running up and down the halls screaming and partying...and they didn't speak any English. Then he went to dinner and came back to find that his rental car had been towed...he had to walk several miles in his dress shoes, injuring his foot before he got to the tow yard. They charged him a ridiculous amount to get the car back, plus a parking ticket on top of that. On his way back to the airport to finally come home he left his cell phone in the car and almost missed his flight on the pay phone trying to get it back...which he didn' wasn't mailed to us until a week later. Gotta love fun trips like that, right?


Dalton Family said...

No Way!!! That is such bad luck! That is hilarious! (only because I'm not the one who experienced it:))

Danica said...

Sucks! What a poopy trip. I bet he can't wait for his next one.