Okay...these are old but Braydee has been so buggin' because she wants to see how they came out since she flew back to good ol' UT before we got them back. These were taken a couple weeks before Marley was due...I know, lame right? Who takes family pics when you know a new addition is only weeks away? Well, its rare that we have the whole gang in town so we shot a few at my in laws thanks to my amazing father in law, we got some pretty nice shots.
The whole gang...
The Nana and Papa (soon to be Nanny...trying to change a name is a bit difficult when your two year old is already used to the old one...and corrects you every time you mess up by calling her "Nanny")
All the kiddo's...left to right Brayds, Me, Bran and Bri (p.s. could I be any more enormous with child?) Father and son...
Mama and her girls...do you like how I cropped out as much of my fat as possible?
The guys...who's that sneaking into the back left corner you ask? A possible new addition to the Papavero clan...Brayd's boyfriend, Jeff...(we approve :)
The ladies, including our sis in law who's obviously gorgeous
The grandkids...minus Marley of course. Left to right it's Aisley, Brielle and Dyl...I loved this pic because he's laughing, one of the few where he wasn't totally fighting it.
Brano and his fam
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"We are a happy family"
Posted by
12:48 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Terrible Twos
A few weeks ago Rick had to go to Fresno for work, so we decided to come along for the ride. It was pretty fun, the kids did really well in the car, we stopped a lot so that helped. Everything was going pretty smoothly until he had a meeting to go to and decided to drop us off at the park until it was over. Dylan decided to have a complete meltdown because I wouldn't let him stand out in the middle of the skate park while millions of teenage boys jumped rails and flipped over curbs and stuff. Oh yeah, it was extra fun when I had to run out, infant in hand to retrieve him when he got up and bolted to the middle of the ramps and stuff while I was breastfeeding Marley and couldn't jump up immediately to stop him...clever little devil. Pretty sure I was extra cool when he kept running away from me, laughing in the 105 degree weather so I'm getting hot and sweaty and ready to beat my child.
I finally got him with the help of a "skater boy" (the only one not shooting me dirtly looks for allowing my toddler to ruin their sweet you tube videos of their killer moves) and dragged him back to the picnic tables where he decided to roll in the dirt, kicking and screaming for over an HOUR and wouldn't let me touch him...so, what did I do? Well...first I videoed, then I took pictures. Did I mention the meeting went long and the park trip was 2 1/2 hours? Awesome.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Marley's Room
Here's a few pics of how Marley's room is comin' along. I'm not even close to done yet but here's the colors I'm workin' with...green (I love green) hot pink brown and white. I still have to make and put up her hot pink curtains, buy a rug, put up the white picket fence, hang the watering cans and flowers and put up the pails of grass. Little girl rooms are so much more fun to do than boys.Those bins on the left were supposed to go under the crib but...they barely wouldnt fit. Bummer. They'll probably end up in the closet. Gotta love that dollar bin at Target though.
These pics are kinda old, I took them when Mar was only about a week old. Luckily I had gone out and bought all the stuff the day before I went into labor. Here's a close up of her bedding that I got an AWESOME deal on at Target. I found these pillows in the home decor section and fell in love with them. You can't really tell in the pic but they are sewn all sloppy stitch with fat thread. So they look kinda like a little kid made them.
It came with different sheets but I didn't like them as much so I found these hot pink polka dot sheets and also some brown polka dot sheets in a different aisle and grabbed them.Anyways...I promise I'll post with more recent pics soon. Life has been crazy, as usual and I need to get my camera cleared out so...I thought I'd post these to hold you over.
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12:28 PM